Nowadays, all kinds of startups are being launched on a regular basis. These startups solve our problems and make our lives better. Often, these startups actually solve our ideas. However, it often goes wrong to translate this to the online world. After all, you want everyone to be able to get to know your product or service.
UX/UI Design
For some, making that translation to the online world sounds easy, but it certainly is not. Especially if you want your (online) branding to be successful, there are parts you need to take into account. We would like to explain some of these parts to you.
Use the right colours
Use the correct colours. Every colour stands for something and has a meaning. For example, orange is associated with cheerfulness, warmth, energy and friendship and yellow is seen as the colour of wisdom, creativity and imagination. When you understand what the different colours stand for in combination with the different emotional characteristics, you can choose the right colours for your website.
Logo: very important!
Your logo is perhaps one of the most important points of your branding. Without an attractive logo, your brand will not come to life. So it’s important to pay attention to your logo. After all, the logo presents what your brand stands for. Moreover, it serves to make your brand memorable. A good logo ensures that (potential) customers will remember your logo sooner.
Consistency in (web) design
Make sure you build consistency into the design. Every page should have recognisable elements, so people understand your design quickly. Elements such as the colour palette, fonts and shapes should be used the same on all pages. Furthermore, it is advisable to optimise the user interface design for the user (user experience design).
User Interface & User Experience
Add something personal to your web design
The last thing you want is for visitors to see your website as standard. A standard and simple website makes it difficult to interact with your visitors. Moreover, this will increase your bounce rate (and you don’t want that). To avoid this, you can add a personal touch to your unique web design. This makes your website more comfortable and inviting for visitors. Think for example of success stories of satisfied customers.
What is your value proposition?
When visitors come to your website for the first time, the first question they ask is: what kind of products or services do you sell? And not unimportant: do you have the solution to the visitor’s problem? To answer these questions clearly and as quickly as possible, it is important that you present your value proposition. It is also important that you make clear what you stand for as a brand and what your vision is. Therefore, make sure your value proposition doesn’t consist of too much text.
a technologist
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